Tuesday, 26 January 2016

White Agate Saptha Chakra Gemstone Pendant - A1800

White Agate Saptha Chakra Gemstone Pendant - A1800

Product Code : A1800
Approximate Weight : 10 Grams
Approximate Dimension : 1.5Lx0.8Bx5H in cm
Material : Gemstone
Colour : White

White Agate Saptha Chakra Gemstone Pendant are known for helping balance yin/yang energy and are a calming and protective stone.

White Agate Saptha Chakra Gemstone Pendant is formed with bands of microscopic quartz crystals. It is both a grounding and a spiritual stone, allowing for one to bring their spiritual experiences into their everyday reality. Agate is believed to improve mental functions and can help where issues of clarity and stability are concerned. Agate is also helpful in overcoming negative emotions by bringing love into the chakras. Although they work very slowly and deliberately, this gentle nature of Agate helps it to have a lasting impact.

White Agate Saptha Chakra Gemstone Pendant is beneficial to pregnant women, as it eases the effects of morning sickness and alleviates the pain of labor.

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